
Jul 05 2022

National Youth Disability Summit

The National Youth Disability Summit is a three-day, fully online conference, designed by and for young people with disability to give us a real say about our futures!

Hosted by Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA), the Summit will be held from Tuesday 5 – Thursday 7 July 2022. Participation is free for all young people with disability aged between 12 – 30 years.

At the Summit, you will have the opportunity to hear Keynote Speeches and Panel Discussions. There will also be Workshops and Networking Sessions where you can get to know the other participants.

You are welcome to join us for all three days or just join us for a few sessions. You don’t need to come to every session or day if you don’t want to!

The Summit has been co-designed by a group of 10 young people with disability from around Australia. The Summit Co-Design Committee has identified three themes for the Summit:

  • Education 

  • Advocacy 

  • Medical Systems, Diagnosis and Emotional Fatigue of Disability 

This year’s Summit will take place during NAIDOC Week. The Summit will have a strong focus on intersectionality. ‘Intersectionality’ is about the ways that different parts of people’s identities, and the discrimination that they experience, can overlap. At the Summit, we will hear from disabled First Nations speakers and have sessions on this year’s NAIDOC theme: ‘Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!’”

  • Region: Statewide

The event is finished.

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