Neurobiology of Self Care with a focus on Vicarious Trauma
NTCOSS has partnered with ACF (Australian Childhood Foundation) to provide online training: Neurobiology of Self Care with a focus on Vicarious Trauma. This will be delivered virtually over two half day sessions (as opposed to one full day workshop). Participants also have the opportunity to engage in two follow up reflective practice sessions with an accredited facilitator.
This workshop explores the impact of working with traumatised people/clients and considers how our understanding of the neurobiology of trauma can inform our approach to looking after ourselves. Self-care can be a term that conjures negative images or does not seem relevant to the ‘real work’ of professionals. However, it is critical to ensuring our own wellbeing as well as our capacity to support the children, young people, families and clients with whom we work.
Preventing vicarious trauma is grounded in a range of strategies and activities that include self-care. Prevention is definitely better than needing to manage or repair the outcomes of vicarious trauma. These require a holistic response which address the layers of impact.
The neurobiology of self care helps us to conceptualise not only the neurobiological components of vicarious trauma, but how we can utilize our understanding to ensure our own wellbeing in the midst of this challenging work.
Training dates: Tuesday 16th AND Thursday 18th August, 9.30am-1.30pm (NT time)
Reflective practice sessions (2 x 1 hour sessions): Tuesday 30th August and Thursday 8th September
NTCOSS member price: $180.00 (includes both sessions and reflective practice)
Non-member price: $230.00 (includes both sessions and reflective practice)
Registrations close Friday 5th August. Click here to register or visit
- Region: Statewide